Ominous Industries

  • Testing locally run Open Sora AI Video Generation

    Testing locally run Open Sora AI Video Generation

    As I mentioned in my recent post about locally run portrait animation, the thing I am most excited about in the generative AI space is the ability to generate uncensored videos locally, without subscriptions or censorship. The difference between my...

  • A Quick Test Of Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    A Quick Test Of Claude 3.5 Sonnet

    With today's release of the Claude 3.5 Sonnet model from Anthropic, I wanted to find a way to test it that wasn't the generic "use in web interface" style of test. To do this, I decided to use the Ominous...

  • GPT-4o & Gemini 1.5 Pro Finish Each Other’s Sentences

    GPT-4o & Gemini 1.5 Pro Finish Each Other’s Sentences

    I wanted to make another Bob the Sentient Washing Machine to engage in some tomfoolery by having two of them speak to each other. I have had a lot of fun making my R1 Robots speak to each other using...

  • Apple Silicon Speed Test: LocalLLM on M1 vs. M2 vs. M2 Pro vs. M3

    Apple Silicon Speed Test: LocalLLM on M1 vs. M2 vs. M2 Pro vs. M3

    I wanted to test the speed of some different Apple Silicon-equipped machines. As many of my interests these days revolve around using Local LLM setups, I figured the best way to test these machines would be to run a local...

  • Testing GPT4o with Video Input

    Testing GPT4o with Video Input

    Following my recent exploration of the advanced vision capabilities of the most powerful AI models, I'm excited to delve deeper by incorporating actual video input into GPT-4. However, the model cannot directly process video streams. To work around this limitation,...

  • Comparing the vision capabilities of GPT4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro

    Comparing the vision capabilities of GPT4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro

    With the recent competition between Gemini and ChatGPT gathering a lot of attention in AI circles, I decided that I was doing myself a disservice by not testing Gemini and giving it a fair shot. While I mainly use OpenAI...